Go further with Goodwill.


We’re not promising to make anything great again. But we are promising to show you: Good goes further.™

Not content with internet rumors and learning that when surveyed, only 13% of our Kansas City-based nonprofit organization’s brand following could successfully identify the Goodwill Mission, we’re debuting a new initiative: Good goes further.™ We want to demonstrate just how Goodwill goes further within our communities – and that you should go further for each other, too.

goodwill logo in front of city skyline

In this 60-second anthem film, you’ll see how a simple bag of stuff has the power to change lives. Good doesn’t stop with providing a second life to items, good goes further to fund employment programs that empower local job seekers, no matter what their story, to earn and keep employment. Employment is more than a paycheck. It’s a resounding victory for the individual, for their family and for the community.

Local Kansas City firms joined together to support us in the launch of this campaign. Native KC was the agency on the Good goes further.™ branding and film. Whiskey Design and Kazoo Media planned and executed the media campaign. The campaign was a year in the making, proceeded by propitiatory research generated by Kansas City-based research firm, Kemper & Company.

As a nonprofit organization that has been around for over a century, Goodwill continues to compete with for profit thrift chains and we struggle to get our message heard over digital gossip and dated assumptions.

Now more than ever, our action speaks louder than our words.

If the Goodwill Mission is unintentionally our best kept secret – it won’t be that way for long.

Going further is easy. Take 60-seconds to watch the film. Take another fraction of a second to share on your social media channels. Good is promoting real sustainable change that all starts with one person and their bag of stuff. When you do a little good, you might be surprised at how far it goes.

Good goes further.™