Heaven's Story

Heaven's Story

Meet Heaven.

The first thing you should know about Heaven: she never gives up.

Starting at a young age, Heaven had to take on a lot of adult responsibilities, which made it hard for her to connect with her peers. When she turned 16, she started working where many of her family members worked. The tension was high, so she decided to quit her job. Because of this decision, her family kicked her of the house. Heaven found herself homeless.

Heaven didn't let this hold her back. She heard about Goodwill's Quest Academy from a friend and decided to check it out.

Through Quest Academy, Heaven not only learned skills appropriate for the workplace, but she also realized she had a passion for educating young children. After graduating from Quest, Heaven enrolled at Kansas City Kansas Community College and is now studying Early Childhood Education. That’s right, Heaven is a college student. She is active on the school’s debate team and works on campus.

“Anybody can do anything, despite whatever adversity you’re going through, despite whatever obstacle you think is in the way, it’s not in the way. Anybody can do anything, and that’s what I learned there [in Quest]… I would never be in college if it wasn’t for Quest, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Quest, I wouldn’t have a job if it wasn’t for Quest. I can’t thank you guys enough.”

Through all the ups and downs of life, Heaven has always gone through it with a smile on her face. We know she has a bright future ahead of her pursuing her passion of educating children.  Way to go, Heaven!

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