Stephen's Story

Stephen's Story

Meet Stephen.

Stephen is someone who perseveres through it all, no matter how long it takes. He is motivated to care for his family, especially for his son. He has endured many layoffs, including a position he held for 18 years, but that didn’t stop him. Stephen found a new job working with a cleaning service, but there wasn’t enough work to sustain him full time, so he found himself again without a job. But Stephen didn’t let that stop him either.

Stephen returned to Goodwill for employment services. He was very diligent and was soon offered a Maintenance Tech Position. He worked there for a couple months before cutbacks forced layoffs of many employees, including Stephen. This didn’t stop him either. He was determined to find a job that would provide sustainable employment so he could provide for his family.

After a lot of effort and perseverance, Stephen found a job as a Custodial Services Specialist at Cornerstones of Care. And guess what? He loves his job. And, he has medical and dental benefits for himself and his son.

The Director of Facilities at Cornerstones of Care, Time Morian, said,

“Everyone loves him on campus. He is really getting into the groove of things. He comes in early and is doing an awesome job! His coworker, Jeff, really likes him, and his supervisor, Ramikka, loves having him as an employee.”

Way to go, Stephen! We are proud of you for not letting setbacks stop you. Good goes further.™ 

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