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One act of good can make a big difference.

One person can make good go further.

That one person could be you.


Volunteers play a crucial role in our ability to fulfill our mission. Through the generous gift of time, talents and personal interests, our volunteers enhance the work of staff in offering personalized programs and services that are so important to our clients, their families, and the community.


             I want to learn more                 

 Returning volunteers sign in here


 Five Ways To Support Our Mission: 

·        Retail Champion

·        Donation Drive Attendant

·        Workshop Facilitator

·        Mission Services Supporter

·        Mock Interviewer


Eligibility and screening requirements vary by role.

Have another idea of how to help? Want to get a group activity scheduled? Reach out to our volunteer staff at gvolunteer@mokangoodwill.org or 816-842-7425 x613.


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