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Dos Mundos: Education Spotlight

Did you know about our free career centers to help job-seekers? That's right. Three KC area Goodwill stores are home to our GoodWORKS Career Resource Centers. These in-store areas provide our community with an abundance of resources and all are free and available to the public. We're available to assist with job exploration, resume preparation, online job listing, navigation, online applications, as well as the use of job search tools and much more.

Goodwill also keeps an up-to-date resource library of social and community services. Housing and transportation also might be available to clients. Suzanne Gunning, Goodwill VP of Community Engagement, says:

“We understand that sometimes earning and keeping a job doesn’t solve every issue...When a client who comes to the GoodWORKS Center needs transportation and housing assistance, we refer them to partners such as Housing Authority KCShare-A-FareEitas and travel training through KCATA."

 According to Gunning, Goodwill has already served approximately 350 job-seekers this year. For Spanish-speakers, some services are available in Spanish through a bilingual career navigator. To read more about GoodWORKS and all the doors it can open for you or someone you know - please read further in this great feature originally published by Dos Mundos.



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Clarence's Story

Clarence Brown got just the gift he wanted in time for Christmas…a full time job.

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