Bridge to Technology



Launch your career into the tech industry with MoKan Goodwill's Bridge to Technology. Part of our Artemis Initiative, this free course offers the opportunity for adult learners to enhance their digitals skills for a tech-driven future in work including Robotics, AI/Computer Vision Machine Learning, Artificial Reality/Virtual Reality, 3D Printing, and IoT (Internet of Things).

Learners will participate in the program over a period of 8-10 weeks through a combination of online and a physical computer lab/classroom setting with a facilitator present to support the learning process.

The course is broken down into training modules covering a wide variety of topics:

  1. Digital Skills Training - Internet basics, Microsoft Office, Social Media
  2. Academic Preparation - Reading tutoring, Math tuturing
  3. Introduction to the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, 3D Printing, Cybersecurity, Strategies for Success
  4. 21st Century Skills - Problem Solving, Creative/Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Communication, Lifelong Learning
  5. Career Exploration - Data Annotation, Machine Learning, Software Development, Robotics, AR/VR

Enrollment begins with filling out this form, followed by a series of online assessments in preparation for the course. Once completed, learners will attend the Bridge to Technology orientation, and be on their way to an exciting new future in technology.  

For any questions or comments regarding Bridge to Technology, please call or text us at (816) 842-7425. We look forward to hearing from you!


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Clarence Brown got just the gift he wanted in time for Christmas…a full time job.

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